viernes, 4 de julio de 2008

A weekend in London

A weekend in London

En una excursión de esta primavera… pasando un ratico inolvidable mis primos me invitaron a acompañarlos en un viaje fugaz a Londres… yo creía que oía campanitas de Navidad debido a la cuesta que estábamos subiendo… pero unos días después nos hallábamos discutiendo cuantas libras había que invertir en metros y autobuses para nuestro viaje…
Bueno este ha sido un “Ratico Inolvidable” en Londres y os lo pongo en inglés porque ¡¡hay que practicar el inglés!!... ¡¡sin inglés no se puede ir a ninguna parte!! ;)

After sparing more time with the security checking and all, we finally got into the flight and the takeoff was realy thrilling. It was night and we could see light and then the immense sea of dark…
In the flight, my cousin and I me laughed very much with some English proverbs that we were taking prepared:
“A stumble can anticipate a fall”

also we amuse ourselves while we revise some English expression Indispensable to survive:

“Excuse me please, I’m lost. Could you tell me to get to…..”
“Could you bring me the bill please?”
“I’m sorry, I didn`t understand what you just said. Could you repeat it for me please?...”

My friend recommended me for if some Englishman puts on mass… (but these things only happen to the pretty ones as my friend)…

“Excuse me, I have to go now”
“Leave me alone!”
“Hey, I’m not interested in talking to you”

while we were flying very highly, we overcame some turbulence… (this is like the examinations but without chop… nerves, all the seated well ones and credit if we pass the difficulty …)

Finally we landed in this mini continent that is Great Britain, delayed an hour our clocks, recovered the suitcase and without losing time to the train… it was very late emptiness goes… but it took us.

At three o'clock in the morning we arrived to the lodging, the first problem… they did not wait for us with the committee of welcome, the orchestra… the second problem like we have delayed our this room occupied by the some Swedish that snore, the third problem they condition us a chief's room… How to price?...

The following day we got up earlier and went for having breakfast… there are people of many nationalities… all the blond ones, of clear eyes and leather white…

We prepare to know London… begin for the British Library … there are many interesting and very valuable documents…

I love the sets of the books and the manuscripts… we see the first sheet of paper that writed Shakespeare and the first Bible printed in Gutemberg's Press… quite magnificent… we went to the underground…

We see a bit the “change of guard” in the surroundings of Buckingham's Palace

The dresses of the police was very strange, and the horses looked nice.

There are many people but we obtain to see it…

We walked along the precious park that was near to the palace I realized that it was very elegant, and I came to know that they respect the nature very much. we see a squirrel… well-known that is English for well that poses!!

There was Big Bang… which makes sound every hour!!. I love the sound of it. We took nice photo to ourselves and the tourists around us imitated the same.

We saw Abadia of Westminster, It was marvellous…

We crossed Thamesis, there was ships sailing and coming back to the treadmill. It was a spectacular sight…

We walked to Portobello... it’s a very long street full of street markets, styled Middle Ages… and flood of people of all “tribes”...

I liked the colors of little houses, it’s very typical in that street…

We took rest and had food at the park, without losing time, We continued crossing the stalls and took the “red bus”...

We arrived to Trafalgar Square. There is a statue here honoring to Nelson. We greeted it, though all that is an honoring to Trafalgar's battle for the one who sank many ships… (this photo I dedicate to my brother who is a great admirer of these topics)

More detaily…

Another important component of this square is the National Gallery… is a very important building in art… I surprised to see the picture of the "Sunflowers" by Van Gogh… seemed to be incredible… with that of times that I have seen it and now it had in front of my authentic one!!... fascinating…

My cousin and I were crossing great part of the rooms… but not all the time that we had liked… I’m charmed with the "chair" that pinted Van Gogh...

In our tour we were planning to go to the Picadelly Circus

We walked along the Soho, and along the Chinese Neighbourhood after having dinner in a restaurant of this zone…

We decided to make a night visit to the Big Bang and see the Thamesis with the treadmill… it was very beautiful to see in the night.

The best thing to see is the illumination of Big Bang …

De ahora en adelante enlazo mi blog con “Viajes de mochila” de mi primo Álvaro que también hace unas excursiones fantásticas y en el cual podéis complementar este viaje que hemos compartido.
Espero que no encontréis muchos errores en mi “inglés”… además de que agradezco la generosa y valiosa ayuda de mi gran amigo "on line" Silaro, de todas formas, si alguien no entiende algo y lo desea le puedo mandar los textos en “baturro” a su correo… pero de momento esforzaros en el inglés.

En dos días seguimos por Londres!! Hasta muy pronto amig@s!!